6 Tips to rank your website in a world of AEO

It’s important to stay ahead of the game and be prepared for the changes in the digital world. As we look ahead to the future of AEO – Answer Engine Optimization (or AIEO – AI Engine Optimization), there are several key points to consider, especially when it comes to the renewed relevance of Bing SEO. After researching this topic extensively we have gathered the tips below. Keep in mind that a lot of ongoing changes are happening in this new world of search and even these tips might become obsolete soon.

Tip #1: Focus on Bing SEO Now

While spending time trying to figure out how sophisticated the new Bing AI chatbot actually is, we realized that it still uses a lot of old-school SEO parameters to rank websites.

If you haven’t focused on Bing SEO before, it’s time to start. Bing has a significant advantage in being the first to release their AI Chat search to the masses and is expected to be gaining market share rapidly in the next few months. Optimizing your website for Bing can help increase your visibility and drive traffic to your site. Make sure to claim your website in the Bing Webmaster Tools here: https://www.bing.com/webmaster/login/redirecttohomepage

Tip #2: Quality Over Quantity in Link Building

Gone are the days of trying to obtain as many backlinks as possible for Bing SEO. Bing now prioritizes link quality over quantity. The search engine favors links from high-authority sites and organic links from trusted websites. Bing also avoids reciprocal links, paid links, link schemes, and links from hacked websites. As you might know, within Google, link building is no longer as vital for ranking as it used to be. But, for Bing link building is still very valuable and will help you get hits from Sydney as well.

Tip #3: The Importance of Structured Data Markup

Google Search uses structured data to understand the content of a page and provide users with rich results. Adding structured data to a page can increase user engagement and drive more traffic to your site. Several case studies that show the impact of structured data on search results. Make sure to head over to Google’s own documentation on this topic to learn all about it: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/speakable

Google also has some case studies to review here: https://developers.google.com/search/case-studies/overview

Tip #4: The Relevance of Informative Content

Informative and factual content that uses relevant keywords will still be important for SEO. Optimizing for SEO concepts such as YMYL and E-E-A-T will help your website be referenced in AI-based answer engines. Updating keyword research tools to measure search volume from AI chat assistant tools will help SEOs identify the best terminology and content structures.

Tip #5: Highlighting Information with Markup Code

Using structured data markup via schema code can help increase visibility and reference frequency in AI-based answer services. Google has been testing “speakable” schema markup to identify information suitable for voice assistants. This may indicate that search engines will look to use schema code to identify information for AI-based answer engines.

Tip #6: Diversifying Your Traffic Sources

To prepare for the search engine shift, take note of where your website’s traffic comes from, use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your content’s performance, and ensure that your business is not solely reliant on search traffic for revenue.

It’s not safe to rely solely on search traffic. To diversify your traffic sources, consider building an email list, using platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, and utilizing other sources such as display ads and social media ads. Businesses should strive for at least three well-diversified traffic channels.

In conclusion, we hope that by considering these points, you can better prepare for the future of AEO and take advantage of the opportunities it presents. Keep in mind, this information might be relevant right now but will likely fully change as the world of AEO evolves. We aim to keep researching and staying on the frontlines of this changing world so we can keep you informed.

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Why is it important to focus on Bing SEO?

It’s important to focus on Bing SEO because Bing has the advantage of being the first search engine to release an AI chat search to the public, and is expected to gain market share rapidly in the next few months. Optimizing your website for Bing can help increase your visibility and drive traffic to your site.

What is the importance of link building for Bing SEO?

Bing prioritizes link quality over quantity, and favors links from high-authority sites and organic links from trusted websites. Link building is still valuable for Bing SEO and can help you get hits from AI-based answer engines like Bing’s new chatbot, Sydney.

What is structured data markup and why is it important?

Structured data markup is a way to provide search engines with additional information about the content on your website, using specific code to highlight important information. Adding structured data can increase user engagement and drive more traffic to your site, and can be particularly useful for optimizing your content for AI-based answer engines.

Why is informative and factual content important for SEO in the world of AEO?

Informative and factual content that uses relevant keywords can help your website be referenced in AI-based answer engines. Optimizing for SEO concepts like YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) and E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) can also help increase the relevance of your content for AI-based answer engines.

What is the importance of diversifying your traffic sources?

It’s not safe to rely solely on search traffic. To diversify your traffic sources, consider building an email list, using platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, and utilizing other sources such as display ads and social media ads. Businesses should strive for at least three well-diversified traffic channels.

What should you do to prepare for the shift to AI-based answer engines?

To prepare for the shift to AI-based answer engines, it’s important to stay ahead of the game and be prepared for changes in the digital world. Consider focusing on Bing SEO, prioritizing link quality over quantity, adding structured data markup, creating informative and factual content, and diversifying your traffic sources.

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