New Bing AI Chat and Index Coverage Reporting Coming to Bing Webmaster Tools

New Bing AI Chat and Index Coverage Reporting Coming to Bing Webmaster Tools

Great news for publishers, content creators, and site owners! Microsoft has announced that Bing Webmaster Tools will now come equipped with enhanced reporting and tools to help them understand how their sites interact with the Bing AI Chat users. With the integration of Bing Chat into the performance report, website owners will be able to track the traffic generated during the conversations with the new Bing AI Sydney. This upgrade was announced by the Principal Product Manager at Microsoft Bing, Fabrice Canel, during his keynote speech at PubCon Austin. The new features include displaying impressions, clicks, click-through rates, and more, giving site owners the necessary information to optimize their site’s performance.

This report was shared on Twitter by Jennifer Slegg:

Image depicting a screenshot of the Bing Chat integration announcement for Bing Webmaster Tools, which was made during a presentation by Fabrice Canel, the Principal Product Manager at Microsoft Bing, at PubCon Austin."

Microsoft has also announced that they will be launching a new index coverage report in Bing Webmaster Tools. This report will show website owners how Bing Search is indexing their pages and identify pages that are excluded or having issues being indexed. With this valuable information, site owners can take steps to improve their website’s indexing using tools like IndexNow or sitemaps.

This report’s screenshot was shared on Twitter by Patrick Stox:

"Image featuring a screenshot of the sitemap index coverage announcement for Bing Webmaster Tools, made by Fabrice Canel at PubCon. The image was shared on Twitter by @facan."

Great news for anyone who owns or manages a website and wants to know what the impact of conversational AI chats in search will do. With the new Bing Chat integration and index coverage report, website owners will have access to vital information to optimize their sites’ ranking in these types of chats.

Want to know how this new Bing AI works precisely? Please read our article “Understanding how Bing AI works”.

First insights Google Bard data in Search Console?

As we learn more, we’ll be sure to keep you updated. It’s worth noting that these new Bing Webmaster Tools features could offer some initial insights into what we can expect from Google Search Console, which might be helpful, given that we don’t yet know how Google will provide this type of information with their upcoming chatbot Google Bard. We will definitely write about this and provide helpful new insight that have impact on organic ranking for Bard in our Google Bard SEO series.

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What is the new feature announced by Microsoft for Bing Webmaster Tools?

Microsoft has announced enhanced reporting and tools to help website owners understand how their sites interact with Bing AI Chat users, including tracking traffic generated during conversations with the new Bing AI Sydney.

What information will website owners be able to access with the new Bing Webmaster Tools feature?

Website owners will be able to access information such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates, and more to optimize their site’s performance.

What is the new index coverage report in Bing Webmaster Tools?

Microsoft has also announced a new index coverage report in Bing Webmaster Tools, which shows website owners how Bing Search is indexing their pages and identifies pages that are excluded or having issues being indexed.

How can website owners improve their website’s indexing using Bing Webmaster Tools?

With the valuable information provided by the index coverage report, website owners can take steps to improve their website’s indexing using tools like IndexNow or sitemaps.

What impact will the new Bing Chat integration and index coverage report have on conversational AI chats in search?

Website owners will have access to vital information to optimize their sites’ ranking in these types of chats, providing valuable insights into the impact of conversational AI chats in search.

Will these new Bing Webmaster Tools features offer insights into Google Bard data in Search Console?

As we learn more, we’ll keep you updated. These new Bing Webmaster Tools features could offer some initial insights into what we can expect from Google Search Console in regards to Google Bard data, which we will provide helpful insights on in our Google Bard SEO series.

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